lunes, 15 de noviembre de 2021

Blog post 5 - A subject I'm enjoying this semester

 My favorite subject of this semester is "Desarrollo y estructura del organismo animal", what we do in class is to study the contents in a theoretical and also practical way, seeing photos of different parts of the body and analyzing them with this method we have studied the development of organisms from fertilization to adulthood, I like this subject because I feel that it showed me all the work that there is in the creation and development of a new being, it is a lot of work and it impresses me that there are so many healthy living people being that a small error in development it triggers serious diseases. Something that I really like about the teachers is that they are very willing to answer questions, it shows that they love what they teach. Something I like about the assessments is that there are small weekly tests motivating to maintain a constant study of the subject, making it much easier to study for future tests.

domingo, 31 de octubre de 2021



A shark that walks?! if possible, his name is Epaulette shark and he can walk thanks to the fact that his leg muscles are very strong, he is the youngest species of shark at only 9 million years old, is one of the grat proofs of the thory of evolution.

The evolution of the tiger dates back two million years, when the oldest known ancestor travels from Africa to Asia originating 9 sub species, with currently only 6 of them existing today, the most numerous today is the Bengal tiger.They really are incredible, not only do they have more muscle mass than a lion, but they are also adapted to a semi-quatic life.

The video begins with adorable sounds of baby pandas, the director of the conservation center says that baby pandas are very easy to love and that they will even remind you of your children. After 20 years of research, 3 big problems in the conservation of pandas could be solved. The center is trying so that pandas can lose their dependency on humans by making them live in a semi-wild environment, even the people who feed them are disguised as pandas, they look quite funny.

lunes, 11 de octubre de 2021

My Favorite Thing

My Clavas for juggling

I bought them in 2015, i found it fun to juggle balls and i wanted to increase the difficulty whit clavas, when i bought them for the first time i used them a lot, almost every day, but then i had other responsibilities and could not dedicate as much time as before, currently i already occupy them so much, because i don't know how it happened but i lost 3 of them leaving only two, currently i only play with the two that i hove left so as not to lose coordination, i like them because they are fun, life without them would be very boring and soon i buy more.

lunes, 6 de septiembre de 2021

Spider monkey my favorite animal

Blog 2 - My favorite animal

A round the wold exist any animals with cute features to be chosen as favorites but my favorite by far are the primates and choosing one of this group would say that the spider monkey.What strikes me the most are his eyes, very aware of his existence but extremely innocent, his fur can be as varied as there are stars in the sky.Having blacks, reds, oranges, whites, grays, browns and color mixtures.Their skillful hands and tail are capable of traveling through places impossible.

The characteristics physical that catch my attention of the spider monkey are that it is the only primate that in its hands only has four fingers and the other is its way of walking so upright, I appreciate unique and impressive characteristics.That's why I like them.

They are mainly herbivores, eating fruits even with their seeds and nuts, when food is scarce they can eat spiders or other insects.

This primate lives in Central America and South America, they are animals that need very tall trees so they live in jungles and forests with a tropical clima.

They have diurnal habits, live in permantent communities, and are tree-like.

The spider monkey is a danger of extincion, due to deforestation.

lunes, 23 de agosto de 2021

Blog post 1 - My opinions

What is your opinion about having an exotic pet at home?

💬I think it's unnecessary, cruel and selfish. I believe that pets do not benefit from being removed from their habitat and living in lockdown, I have always believed that people who have exotic pets see them as an ornament or something to show off.

What is your opinion about buying instead of adopting pets?

💬I do not agree that money is involved with animals, for money people get to do unimaginable things and if animals are in the middle it is very likely that they will suffer. Also I think that buying a partner for their appearance is very superficial.

 What is your opinion about immigration?

💬I think that we all have the right to choose where we want to live no matter where in the world you were born, I believe that the flow of people around the world is natural but many people have negative judgments about it.

 What is your opinion about legalization of abortion in the 3 cases?

💬I do not agree that the legalization of abortion only takes into account these 3 causes, abortion should be something that a woman could do in a legal, safe and free way, we are animals but we do not have sex only to reproduce but also for pleasure. no contraceptive method is 100% effective and therefore abortion should be free.

domingo, 15 de agosto de 2021

Welcome to my personal profile

Hiii all! My name is Paula Torres,i am 22 years old and i live in the city of Valdivia. Today i dedicate my time in study veterinary medicine and to take care of my lovelys pets. What i love te most in life are animals in all its shapes,sizes and colors. Physically , i consider myself very ordinary the only thing that makes me feel different is my extremely straight hair, on for my personality i consider myself a calm person but also fun. I am interesed in native fauna,this summer i hope to be accepted in to a volunteer in chiloé and meet Pudini, a pudu who lives in this reserve.🌳

She isss!😍

Blog post 5 - A subject I'm enjoying this semester

 My favorite subject of this semester is "Desarrollo y estructura del organismo animal", what we do in class is to study the conte...