lunes, 23 de agosto de 2021

Blog post 1 - My opinions

What is your opinion about having an exotic pet at home?

💬I think it's unnecessary, cruel and selfish. I believe that pets do not benefit from being removed from their habitat and living in lockdown, I have always believed that people who have exotic pets see them as an ornament or something to show off.

What is your opinion about buying instead of adopting pets?

💬I do not agree that money is involved with animals, for money people get to do unimaginable things and if animals are in the middle it is very likely that they will suffer. Also I think that buying a partner for their appearance is very superficial.

 What is your opinion about immigration?

💬I think that we all have the right to choose where we want to live no matter where in the world you were born, I believe that the flow of people around the world is natural but many people have negative judgments about it.

 What is your opinion about legalization of abortion in the 3 cases?

💬I do not agree that the legalization of abortion only takes into account these 3 causes, abortion should be something that a woman could do in a legal, safe and free way, we are animals but we do not have sex only to reproduce but also for pleasure. no contraceptive method is 100% effective and therefore abortion should be free.

7 comentarios:

  1. Hi Paula! I agree with your opinion about the adoption of pets because I think that lives should not be sold.

  2. Hello Paula! I thinks absolutely the same way respect to the abortion, the women are given the right to decide best for their health and body.

  3. Hi Paula:) I messed with your way of thinking about all the questions you chose and I really liked your opinions, with very safe word and ideas.

  4. Hello Paula, I agree with your opinion about buying pets. I consider that is better use that money (that will be used to buy a pet) in comforts for a pet that would be better adopt.

  5. Hi Paula, I agree with your opinions, i thinks we quite agree. It's unnecessary have exotics pets and the animals don't should be buy.

  6. Hi Paula, I agree with your opinion about selling pets, the ambition of those who sell pets can cause great harm to animals.

  7. Hello Paula, I think the same about your opinion of exotics pets and buying pets. To much people wants money and have in conditions of overcrowding and desnutritions. Is so sad and powerless because the goberment dont do it nothing.


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