lunes, 6 de septiembre de 2021

Spider monkey my favorite animal

Blog 2 - My favorite animal

A round the wold exist any animals with cute features to be chosen as favorites but my favorite by far are the primates and choosing one of this group would say that the spider monkey.What strikes me the most are his eyes, very aware of his existence but extremely innocent, his fur can be as varied as there are stars in the sky.Having blacks, reds, oranges, whites, grays, browns and color mixtures.Their skillful hands and tail are capable of traveling through places impossible.

The characteristics physical that catch my attention of the spider monkey are that it is the only primate that in its hands only has four fingers and the other is its way of walking so upright, I appreciate unique and impressive characteristics.That's why I like them.

They are mainly herbivores, eating fruits even with their seeds and nuts, when food is scarce they can eat spiders or other insects.

This primate lives in Central America and South America, they are animals that need very tall trees so they live in jungles and forests with a tropical clima.

They have diurnal habits, live in permantent communities, and are tree-like.

The spider monkey is a danger of extincion, due to deforestation.

Blog post 5 - A subject I'm enjoying this semester

 My favorite subject of this semester is "Desarrollo y estructura del organismo animal", what we do in class is to study the conte...